“knobtester” for Touring Machine module

When designing my new Touring Machine synth module, two things worry me: the analog I/O section (it must be pitch-accurate) and the user interface. The UI feels like a harder problem because I’m not sure what I want. For the analog part, I can lean on others (like Émilie and Thea) and that puts me at ease.

So to address the UI as its own thing, I made a little “knobtester” PCB that is the scale and layout of the upper third of the module. It contains all the things you put your fingers on: a rotary encoder w/ switch, two buttons, and two potentiometers. Just from the outset there are questions: Should the encoder have detents? What’s the spacing of the two pots so your fingers can grasp them? Should the pots have knobs or be trimmers? How tall do the tact switches need to be? Making the board physical answered some of these questions immediately (“yes”, “as much as possible”, “trimmers, maybe with micro knobs“, and “13mm”)

Here’s the board fresh off the Othermill.

Trinket Touring Machine

I’ve been playing more with algorithmic melody generation by working on my own module I’ve been calling the “Trinket Touring Machine“. Like my previously-mentioned “Trinket Trigger“, this one uses a Trinket M0 running CircuitPython. Initial experiments were in Arduino using the Mozzi audio synthesis library, which totally worked, but CircuitPython is much faster to develop in, especially when you’re trying to discover what the UI should be.

My original intent for this Touring Machine module was to make a CircuitPython-based version of Music Thing Modular’s wonderful “Turing Machine”, which is essentially a clever shift-register circuit hooked up to a DAC (no microcontroller!), with an adjustable noise generator for randomness. But my module has gone a bit more melodic, having the concept of scales and root notes. It’s pretty fun, but I know now the two knobs and one button UI is too limiting for what I’m envisioning. So time for Touring Machine Mk2!

Hackaday HalloWing case

One of the goodies from the Hackaday Superconference was an Adafruit HalloWing. And I thought: surely a Jolly Wrencher case must be made for this skull-shaped circuit board! How has no one made of these yet?

So I remixed an existing clip-on case that fits the included battery (Thanks DoctorWhich!), added the Jolly Wrenches and printed it out. It came out pretty great. Though now I wish I had some black PLA.

Here’s a video showing it:

See also:

CrashSpace BigButton w/ ESP8266

At CrashSpace we have a publicly-viewable “sign” at https://crashspacela.com/sign/ to let members know when the space is open. This sign page is updated by a big button in the front room. Press it, the sign page updates, and you’ve promised to be in the space for an hour.

But last month, the button broke. So I made a new one based on an ESP8266 WiFi module, WS2812/Neopixel LEDs, and a custom PCB fabbed on an Othermill. Schematics, PCB & firmware at: github/todbot/crashspace-bigbutton.

See below for:

  • construction details
  • PCB techniques for Othermill
  • “sacrificial Neopixels” for 3v3 to 5V level conversion


Some history

The first version of the BigButton I did back in 2010 consisted of an Arduino in a taplight tethered to a netbook running a Perl script. Last year it was upgraded by a member to a Spark.io SparkButton (early version of the Particle Photon Internet Button kit but not using the better chip of the Photon) with a custom 3d-printed case. That upgrade resulted in a much simpler and smaller Button than my original. It was great. But occasionally it would drop its connection and need a reboot. Then a month or so ago it just stopped working entirely. I ended up recreating the functionality with a Photon but found the environment limiting, particularly the near-requirement of an online compiler.

The New BigButton

For the new BigButton I went with the Wemos D1 Mini ESP8266 WiFi board. This is essentially a tiny version of the standard NodeMCU board that contains a USB-to-serial interface and the necessary support circuitry to control and reprogram the ESP8266 module. It’s easy-to-use, stable, and great. Instead of programming it directly, I figured I’d try the ESP8266 Arduino core and write an Arduino sketch.

The sketch uses the wonderful ArduinoJson library. It’s pretty memory efficient and uses clever C++ operator-overloading to let you write JSON parsing code like this:

// jsonstr = '{"is_open":false,"minutes_left":-920.45,"button_presses":[]}'
JsonObject& root = jsonBuffer.parseObject(jsonstr);
bool is_open = root["is_open"];
double minutes_left = root["minutes_left"];

Custom PCB Carrier Board

The first BigButton used flexible LED strip hot glued into a repurposed tap light. That worked but I wanted an excuse to do another Othermill-based PCB, so I created a carrier board that had 12 WS2812 LEDs and a socket for the D1 Mini board. There are breakouts for testing the WS2812s and the button inputs. It also has footprints for buttons and mounting holes for either standoffs or guide rails.

Otherwise the schematic is pretty straightforward.

Sacrificial Neopixels: Converting ESP8266 output for WS2812  LEDs

One interesting thing about the schematic how the ESP8266 (a 3v3 device) manages to control 5V WS2812/Neopixel LEDs. Some WS2812s can be driven by 3v3 logic HIGH, but it’s iffy. The standard solution is a level-shifter buffer to convert 3v3 HIGH to 5V HIGH.

The technique used on the BigButton board, however, is to create a “sacrificial” LED powered not by 5V directly but via a stepped-down voltage from a standard signal diode (with its 0.7V voltage drop). This creates an approximately 4.3V power source that is high enough to drive the LED but brings its concept of logic HIGH (>70% of Vcc) down to what a 3v3 device will output. Basically, we’re building a fakey intermediary power supply for a single LED. The rest of the WS2812 LEDs are driven by 5V.

Here’s a diagram perhaps making the idea more clear:


Othermill design considerations

I wanted the PCB to be millable on an Othermill, so that meant modifying my standard PCB design techniques. There are a few reasons for this. For instance, since this board has no soldermask, I want to maximize spacing between copper traces to avoid solder bridges. Also, I want to minimize the use of endmills smaller than 1/32″ because they are fragile and take a long time to mill.

Thus, the techniques I use are:

  • Increase trace width 16 mil (0.016″)
  • Add ground plane, set its Polygon->Isolate value to 32 mil (0.032″)
  • Single-sided only design (or minimize back-side traces)
  • Space components out to enable easy soldering

The result is below. The Wemos D1 Mini board is mounted on the backside of the board so it doesn’t affect light output.

For the enclosure I reused the original 2010 BigButton taplight enclosure because its diffuser is really pretty good.  Plus my Fusion360 skills weren’t up to making a custom 3D printed enclosure.
The PCB is mounted on standoffs that are then screwed into the modified taplight. The taplight’s switch is reused as the button input.


The final result is flashed with WiFi credentials, wired for power, and installed on the wall.

CrashSpace BigButton w/ ESP8266, WS2812/Neopixel, using Othermill


blink(1) and C.H.I.P. work great together!

Thanks to NextThingCo‘s recent efforts with getting Debian on their nifty little C.H.I.P. board, I was able to quickly get working my blink1-tool for our blink(1) USB LED. Let the blinky disco commence!

Mostly as a reminder to myself, here’s what I did.  (based on the “Flashing with Debian” section of this document)

On the vagrant ubuntu VM, update the CHIP tools and flash the CHIP board (be sure to have the FEL-to-GND jumper in place when flashing, and remove it after):

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install u-boot-tools android-tools-fastboot git build-essential libusb-1.0-0-dev
$ rm -rf ~/sunxi-tools/
$ git clone http://github.com/NextThingCo/sunxi-tools
$ make
$ sudo rm -rf /usr/local/bin/fel
$ sudo ln -s $PWD/fel /usr/local/bin/fel
$ cd ~/CHIP-tools/
$ git pull
$ ./chip-firmware-update.sh -d
$ cu -l /dev/ttyACM0 -s 115200

Once the flashing is done, remove the FEL jumper and power cycle the board.  When it comes up, connect to it via ‘cu’ (the last command above), get it on the net, get the compiler tools, then download and compile blink1-tool.  No changes to blink1-tool Makefile needed. Easy!

# nmcli device wifi connect todbot ifname wlan0
# apt-get install build-essential pkg-config git 
# apt-get usbutils libusb-1.0-0-dev

# git clone https://github.com/todbot/blink1
# cd blink1/commandline/
# make

# ./blink1-tool --list
# ./blink1-tool --random=1000 -m 10 -t 20 -l 2