Bionic Arduino is a set of four 3-hour classes in November 2007 hosted by Machine Project and taught by Tod E. Kurt. It is an introduction to microcontroller programming and interfacing with the real world using the Arduino physical computing platform. It focuses on building new physical senses and making motion with the building blocks of robotics, using Arduino as a platform.
In the class, participants are shown and experiment with the Arduino’s capabilities and learn the basics of common microcontroller interfacing, such as: digital output to control lights and LEDs, digital input to read switches and buttons, analog output to control motor position or LED brightness, and analog input to read sensor inputs.
The class assumes no previous electronics knowledge, though it does assume a little programming knowledge. No soldering is needed during the class, as all circuits are built with solderless breadboards.
Class Notes
- bionic_arduino_class1.pdf (7.7MB PDF)
- bionic_arduino_class2.pdf (9.2MB PDF)
- bionic_arduino_class3.pdf (4.9MB PDF)
- bionic_arduino_class4.pdf (6.6MB PDF)
Arduino Sketches Used in Class
- Blink – Blink an LED
- Fading – Vary the brightness of an LED
- FadeOrBlink – A button to switch between Fade or Blink
- CandleLight – Random behavior emulates candles
- PotDimmer – Use a pot to change brightness
- RGBMoodLight – Control RGB LED algorithmically
- RGBPotMixer – Control RGB LED with a pot
- SerialHelloWorld – Say hello to serial
- SerialReadBasic – How to read serial values
- SerialReadBlink – Change blink rate with serial commands
- SerialRGBLED – Change LED color with serial commands
- SoundSerial – Use serial input to control piezo buzzer
- PlayMelody – Play a pre-defined melody
- Theremin – Use a photocell & piezo as a theremin
- SerialMotorSpeed – Control motor speed over serial
- PiezoKnock – Make a piezo buzzer a sensor
- PiezoMotorPulse – Turn on a motor if knocked
- PotSend – Send binary pot data (for Processing)
- ServoSimple – Move a servo back and forth
- ServoSerialSimple – Control servo from serial port
- ServoSerialBetter – A better way to control a servo
- NunchuckPrint – Print sensor data from Wii Nunchuck
- NunchuckServo – Use Nunchuck to control a servo
- – All Arduino sketches zipped up
Processing Sketches Used in Class
- ArduinoReadCircle – Circle sizes changes from Arduino knob
- ArduinoBounce – Ball size changes from Arduino knob
- ArduinoSounds – Trigger sounds from Arduino knock sensor
- – All Processing sketches zipped up
Parts Suppliers, New
- SparkFun — Arudino board and shield, and many other neat gizmos.
- Jameco — General electronic parts, easy-to-use, also has computer parts.
- Digikey — Exhaustive parts supplier. Cheaper than Jameco usually, has more variation, more hard-to-find parts.
Hi Mark,
That lets you set which pins are used to power the nunchuck.
I am using your code for using a Wii Nunchuk and there is a call to nunchuck_setpowerpins();
Can you explain what that does? Thank you.
Excellent notes, thanks for sharing.