todbot music
Here's me and my noisemakers.
It's all rough cuts and such, some good some bad.
Playing at being a muso is amusing.
It's great fun, everyone should try it.
If you hear anything you {like,hate},
let me know.
I'd appreciate useful criticism/ideas, especially with
regards to song titles.
Everything on this page is
(O) 1988-2001 Tod E. Kurt.
Thus far:
(see further down for details)
26 Mar 2002
- tj-march
An attempt to distill a single thought down in a single night.
12 Feb 2002
Fun with horn samples. I don't normally like horn instruments,
but this turned out to be pretty fun.
12 Sep 2001
Let's see, find and munge all the distorted guitar samples I can,
surround with synthy wacka-wacka noises and some naughty beats. Oi, I wish
I played guitar.
A little proof-of-concept, only part of the chorus is worked out,
and the loops are still flangey at that. Too many monkeys in my brain.
22 Jul 2001
This is the quickest 'song' that I've done. I did it on a Sunday afternoon,
and recorded it Sunday night. I makes me dance around like a nut.
Again, Electribe on the drums, SuperNova on the noises,
and RM1x as the conductor.
19 Jul 2001
This feels like it's fairly complete.
It's an experiment of trying to actually have a main melody, something
that may be capable of carrying lyrics, and is actually arranged in a
sort of standard pop song structure.
- misc bits and pieces. most of these are just ideas. some are almost real.
A single pattern based on the same instruments as u20. It was a
goofy side idea while I was working on u20. I love the sounds on
the SuperNova, can you tell? But there's a little RM1x in there too.
The RM1x has a cheezy piano, but in the mix it's passable.
This a re-orchestrated version of the first tune I let my friend John Joseph
listen to. He's the one that finally convinced me to record some of my stuff
and let other people listen. This version is missing a bunch of samples and
I tried to fill in the space with random SuperNova sounds and an Electribe
rhythm. I don't think it worked very well.
Entirely RM1x, no other instruments. See, it can make a few decent sounds.
I was trying very hard to get it to sound not like itself.
I have no excuse for this. I think I was tryin to recreate a
'Boards of Canada' rhythm loop and then got side-tracked.
Another early, all-RM1x piece. I was trying to get a more human
performanc by sliding around the pitch and volume of the lead voice.
I have absolutely no recollection of what this one's about, except that
it's all RM1x and just a few, slightly disjointed patterns.
30 Apr 2001
Here's something I just smushed together, without any planning or anything.
It reminds me of something, I don't know what. It makes me happy for
some reason.
But, I can't do anything with it. I tried evolving it away or evolving
something towards it and it just doesn't work. Part of it is because
most of the notes were generated algorithmically with arpeggiators and I
lost the arp patterns.
13 Apr 2001
Fessyfoo rokit remix
"To aid Fess's plight against the evil NSI MegaCorp / Bavarian DNS
consiracy, here's the first submission for "FessAid: a benefit concert
for the restoration of". Maybe we'll get Phil Collins to
play drums.
The submission is a remix of Fessyfoo's 'rokit' that he posted a while
(Really, I just got the viral bwowmpbwoowwwmpneernerneererwoomp lead
line of rokit in my head and it wouldn't let me alone until I did my
best to be a vector for infecting others. And it's chock full o' my
yearning for a Waldorf synth like a PPG or MicroWave or Q)"
A d-n-b-ish variation
12 Mar 2001
I've been trying to keep a promise to myself to create and record at least one
new thing a week. I've failed, so here's this:
Something I originally did back in '98
when I first got my RM1x. Does it sound like the heyday of the dot-coms?
This track originally had lyrics and a girl to sing them.
I've managed to misplace both the girl and her lyrics.
Slightly muddy mix with some Electribe and Acid to for more crunchy muddiness.
(go for broke, right?).
Compression works wonders. I love the low thrumming bass drum,
pity it bogs down the rest of the mix.
28 Feb 2001
Back in the Acid bath. I want to use it as a mixdown/bpm-sync tool.
But, I didn't use it for that at first:
- ch@ff-leelo
What happens when free samples obtained at IBC 2000 (in Amsterdam)
get all mushed together. I'm still working on this.
12 Feb 2001
To commemorate the triumphant return of my audio-laptop
(ThinkPad a20p, woowoo!), I recorded a few past works.
This day marks the first time I really ever let anyone ever listen to my stuff.
I chose four close friends and tortured them with the following.
Thanks guys for putting up with me.
- u29-take1
My current favorite. Squiggly appeggios from the SuperNova, percussion by
the Electribe, support noises by the Proteus. Orchestrated by RM1x and me.
(Recorded Feb 2001)
- u12-take1
One of my first uses of the Electribe. I stole a loop from it and
recreated bits of it elsewhere. I forget where. This version goes on
too long with little variation. I don't know why, I think I was trying
to set levels or something. (Recorded Summer 2000)
Dual-personality. Mostly Proteus and RM1x as melody, Electribe as rhythm.
(Recorded Summer 2000)
As you can tell, I'm terrible at naming these things. Suggestions appreciated.
I also mastered off cassette a few things I did back in college.
Out of an entire 60 minute tape, I could only find two things that didn't
make me shudder with shame and disgust.
- old-noisy_arthur
Take Art of Noise loop, cook in Ensoniq Mirage for 40 minutes, turn until done.
KCS on the Atari ST was the sequencer.
(Recorded sometime in 1988-89)
- old-alpha_5_over
Fun with Oberheim Cyclone arpeggiator. And Roland MT-32. Ohmygod.
And PX1000, I think? And maybe a Mirage sample of a Howitzer in there.
Geez, it was over a decade ago. Dr. T's KCS in Open Mode was the sequencer.
Man, I miss that thing.(Recorded sometime in 1988-89)
1 Jan 2001
Initial directory layout for music on my website, all in mp3 format.
The actual files will live in:
So far, the only thing I've bothered to record is:
- furbinator
The touching story of a Furby couple meeting, falling in love, and
trying their best to conceive an Aibo.
My first experiment on Acid. The sound app.
Not the chemical. Really... "Party!"
(Recorded in early 1999)