Roomba Bluetooth Interface

I created a couple of Roomba Bluetooth Interfaces.

They work well and were easier to create than the Roomba Serial Interface. Unfortunately, “bluetooth as serial port” on computers seems a little raw. This is both for PC and Mac, though the Mac seems to be a bit more intelligent about it, perhaps because of its Unix core.

It’s pretty cool being able to drive the Roomba around wirelessly.

Update: added a Mac OS X Bluetooth Serial HOWTO

Adding wireless (WiFi / Bluetooth) to your project

So you have a nifty gadget you built and you want to get it wirelessly on the net or talking to your computer.

You could use:

All of these are too expensive for practical ubicomp stuff. The BlueSMiRF is the cheapest overall, but doesn’t give you IP connectivity. The cheapest IP solution is the frankensteinian concoction of a SitePlayer and pocket AP. Not exactly as plug-and-play as something like the Wi-ME.

But, what about power concerns:

BlueSMiRF 5VDC @ 48mA, can be reduced to 2mA with config tweak
Digi Connect ME 3.3VDC @ 250 mA typical
Digi Connect Wi-ME 3.3VDC @ 400 mA max
Lantronix XPort 3.3VDC @ 267 mA nominal
Lantronix WiPort 3.3VDC @ 460 mA peak (388mA avg @ max data rate)
Asus WL-330 pocket AP 5V @ 680mA
Netgear WGR-101 pocket AP ??? 5V @ 2A power supply
Dlink pocket AP ??? probably similar to netgear

Obviously, BlueSMiRF wins at power consumption too. But jeez, I want my gizmo to have an IP address! None of the WiFi solutions above are efficient enough to run long on a battery. I wish someone would make available these custom WiFi chipsets that are coming out in phones and things like the Nintendo DS.

Roomba Hacking via Serial Tether

This post is pretty old and I’ve been continuing work on Roomba software.
For a more readable take on this, see this Makezine artcicle

A week ago I got my OSMO//hacker Roomba firmware updater from iRobot. It worked like a charm, giving me a serial port to fully control the Roomba.

An interface was needed however, since the crazy mini-DIN 7-pin on the Roomba is very unstandard. So the first attempt at a robust interface between a Roomba and a standard PC serial port is my Roomba Serial Interface:

Continue reading “Roomba Hacking via Serial Tether”

Reversible Roomba Hacking

When first available, I purchased an original Roomba. A robot vacuum cleaner! And probably hackable! Unfortunately it was quickly obvious that any sort of hacking would require altering the Roomba, likely destroying its original functionality. Definitely voiding the warranty. Every hack would be custom and hard to replicate.

Now after much anticipation, iRobot has openly enabled easy hacking of their later Roombas (the Discovery and above, which have the mini-DIN 7-pin serial port). They have a hacking page and a specification for the serial port protocol. The protocol is complete and robust. (*)

This is important. It enables those who want to play ‘robot’ with their Roomba but who lack the time, skills, or desire to void their warranty. A variety of “robot add-ons” that plug into the Roomba’s SCI port can be created, turning the Roomba into a full custom robotics platform, but entirely reversible by just unplugging the serial cable. I plan on building a variety of add-ons. First up will probably be a BigTrak UI work-a-like. If there’s interest, someone could do a small board run to sell them.

You can purchase factory-reconditioned Roombas for $159 from Amazon and the $29 Osmo firmware reprogrammer direct from iRobot. Or find a friend who’s already upgraded their Roomba and borrow their Osmo.

(thanks to MikeK for turning me on to this idea)

(*) The only thing missing I can tell from the spec is a way of detecting and dealing with the charging dock.

NEC LT240 DLP projector disassembly & clean

My 3-year-old projector started flickering and the color would ‘solarize’ after about 30 minutes of warmup. It was quite depressing. When it did this before, I got it ‘fixed’ under warranty. The fix really was just cleaning the colorwheel and the colorwheel sensor. I figured I could do that too.