Mac OSX Virtual Desktop Managers

CodeTek has been pretty unresponsive to my emails requesting status about the problems with Firefox and their VirtualDesktop program. Their site hasn’t been updated in many months, I wonder if the company still exists? I and many others have been stuck at Firefox 0.8 for many months now. It’s very frustrating. (See bugzilla bugid 254463)

The only other real contender for an OSX desktop pager has been DesktopManager (aka ‘wsmanager’). It seemed mostly fine, but had one glaring omission that made it unusable for me: a purely linear row of desktops instead of the 2D rows-n-columns that us Unix kids have been using for over a decade. Sure, DesktopManager could display the desktops in a 2D grid, but all the movement between desktops was purely 1D.

I started poking around into adding true 2D support to DesktopManager, but low and behold, someone already did it. And this generous soul, one Robin Summer, posted the diff for 2D use for all to use.

Thanks Robin!

(and yes, there is Virtue, which looks interesting, uses some of DesktopManager’s code, and totally throws away the standard ‘pager’ concept which I dearly enjoy. I don’t think I’ll try it)

Update: okay, after a day of trying DesktopManager w/patch, I’m kinda sick of it. And I’m liking Virtue the more I use it. Sigh. Why can’t Apple just make this a standard feature of their window manager?

One Reply to “Mac OSX Virtual Desktop Managers”

  1. A fellow named Colin suggested I check out “You control: desktops” from
    As he says:
    Coming from a Unix background, I think this one provides some pretty good functionality that you get in Unix/Linux and then provides some more functionality Gnome/KDE could look into implementing too. +=

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