Once again,
Circuit Cellar magazine comes to the rescue. There’s both an advert
and an article that uses a new all-in-one wireless module.
It’s the
DPAC Airborne Wirelss LAN Node Module and it seems to be almost
exactly what I want.
- size; 1.26″ x 0.83″ x 0.46″
- power: 3.3V @ 420mA (transmit), 350ma (recv), 75mA (sleep)
- supports WEP @ 64/128 bits
- 8 digital I/O and a serial I/O, (and “up to” 8 channgels 10bit A/D)
- 36 Pin connector (?)
I can’t find any definite pricing, but the article says $80.
It’s unclear from the context whether that’s for the module itself
or the development kit.
Anyway, I’m excited. I’m ordering a few of these asap. Want.